PRODUCT: Two-Person Close Quarters Tactics

PRODUCT: Two-Person Close Quarters Tactics

After publication of the Single-Person Close Quarters Battle manual, a large number of readers requested more information on two-person tactics. Given the rising frequency of deadly attacks and terrorist incidents, it is not unlikely that armed citizens and security professionals will find themselves in situations where they need to defend themselves with the help of a partner. 

There are many cases where several members of a family are licensed to carry weapons. It can be very dangerous for two people to attempt to fight together as a team if they are not trained to do so and if they have not practiced and rehearsed beforehand. This book provides simple, common-sense principles for how to train and prepare to fight as a team with another person.

This book focuses on deliberate, defensive tactics designed to increase your chances of survival in a deadly attack. As a private citizen, your first and best option is always to avoid combat and wait for first responders to arrive. The techniques in this book should be considered only as a last resort when innocent lives are at risk and there is no option but to fight back. 

The manual is designed to be short, easy to read and focused on the most important information for surviving a real-life emergency. The manual also uses many pictures and illustrations to accelerate learning and help students absorb knowledge faster. It covers a wide range of tactical subjects including… 

-Clearing without entry
-Delayed (deliberate) entry
-L-Shape, T-Shape and X-Shape Intersections
-Multiple rooms
-Clearing behind obstacles
-Use of cover and concealment
-Exterior movement

The manual also provides specific suggestions on how to prepare for and deal with likely tactical scenarios including home invasion and deadly attackers (active shooter). We hope our readers find the manual useful and we look forward to hearing your comments on the manual (both positive and negative) on our Facebook blog.

SITREP: New Publications and Post Schedule

SITREP: New Publications and Post Schedule

PRODUCT: Law Enforcement CQB Shipping Now

PRODUCT: Law Enforcement CQB Shipping Now