Single-Person Close Quarters Battle

Single-Person Close Quarters Battle

NOTE: Amazon sells digital Kindle version only, click below to order a hard copy of the book

Most modern urban combat and CQB (Close Quarters Battle) tactics trace their origins to hostage-rescue techniques developed by elite special operations forces. These tactics evolved dramatically over the years. Conventional military units and other security forces adapted the hostage rescue tactics for application in a broad range of operations including stability operations and conventional warfare. During the process of this evolution, a critical capabilities gap developed in the area of single-person tactics.

In military units, soldiers are encouraged never to operate alone. Also, the fact that military units rarely operate independently in elements smaller than a squad or section (approximately 9 soldiers) leaves little reason for them to practice single-person tactics. Law enforcement units, like SWAT teams, that specialize in CQB also typically bring a large force to the fight and often have numerous supporting assets such as snipers, helicopters and tactical vehicles. Thus, the scenario of a single SWAT officer having to operate alone is also relatively unlikely and often receives less attention.

However, for ordinary citizens in a home-defense scenario or for police officers responding to an emergency call, the chances of having to operate alone are quite likely. In these types of situations, backup is frequently unavailable or will not arrive in time. The citizens and officers who are forced to operate on their own face potentially the greatest risk, yet there are almost no tactical references (books, videos or classes) that provide useful information on the subject of single-person tactics.

To address this gap, Special Tactics has just published its first unclassified manual entitled Single-Person Close Quarters Battle: Urban Tactics for Civilians, Law Enforcement and Military. This manual and the associated training courses were developed by a team of experts with extensive special operations and law-enforcement experience to help fill the dangerous capability and knowledge gap in the area of single-person tactics. This manual can provide citizens and officers with critical, life-saving tactical knowledge that will give them a marked advantage in an emergency situation.

Single-person CQB tactics are different from tactics developed for teams and multiple teams. The reason for this is the increased risk associated with operating alone. Team-level CQB is generally divided into “immediate entry” and “delayed entry” tactics. Immediate entry methods call for offensive, aggressive movement and were developed by elite military special operations forces for hostage rescue situations. Delayed entry tactics are more common in the law enforcement community and are designed to minimize your exposure and maximize the benefits of cover and concealment.

For single-person operations, delayed entry is generally a safer option than immediate entry. If you have a team behind you, it is possible to aggressively rush through a door to dominate a room. However, if you are operating alone with no support, it is dangerous to rush into a fight when the odds might not be in your favor. By employing delayed entry tactics you clear as much of a room or hallway as possible from the outside, before you actually make entry.

The first thing you should learn in single-person CQB is how to safely clear a room without entering the room or “clear without entry.” Unlike in team operations, as a single-person you will often avoid entering a room if you do not have to, in order to minimize your exposure and maximize your personal safety. This means you will clear the room (as much as possible) from the outside and avoid getting drawn into a fight with adversaries who might possess superior numbers and weapons. By remaining outside of a room you make it easier to break contact with the adversary and create distance if needed. 

Another key difference between team operations and single-person operations is that as a single-person, there are many cases when you will not want to penetrate too far into a room. You may want to get into the room quickly to avoid greater exposure in a hallway, but you will want to stay close to the door so you can escape the way you came should more adversaries come at you from adjacent rooms. The shallow entry techniques (sometimes called “limited penetration” techniques) are designed to prevent you from becoming over-committed or trapped deep in a target room. In single-person operations, it is often better to stay closer to a door so you can quickly move through it to avoid threats coming from either direction. Don’t commit too far into the room and cut off your own route of escape. 

These are just some of the concepts and techniques explained in detail in the Single-Person Close Quarters Battle Manual. The manual is designed to be short, easy to read and focused on the most important information for surviving a real-life emergency. The manual also uses many pictures and illustrations to accelerate learning and help students absorb knowledge faster. The manual covers a wide range of tactical subjects including: clearing without entry, shallow entry (limited penetration), deep entry, hallways, intersections, stairwells and multiple rooms. The manual also provides specific suggestions on how to prepare for and deal with likely tactical scenarios including home invasion, deadly attackers (active shooter), sniper attacks, armed robbery and hostage situations. To order the Single-Person CQB manual CLICK HERE or click the link below. For more information on Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) or in-person courses, CONTACT US.

NOTE: Amazon sells digital Kindle version only, click below to order a hard copy of the book

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