Advanced CQB Equipment 1: Assault Kit Introduction

Advanced CQB Equipment 1: Assault Kit Introduction

There are no “right answers” when it comes to equipment setup. The most important thing is finding a setup that is effective for you and what works for one person might not work for another. However, it can be helpful to share general ideas and principles or specific tips/techniques when it comes to equipment setup since equipment configuration is a never-ending process and there is always a way to make your kit layout function a bit better. Therefore, in these articles on CQB equipment we suggest you take what works for you and leave the rest.

It is also important to note that it is difficult to know if a specific kit layout works or doesn’t work if you do not put it to the test in realistic combat simulations. You may think your magazine pouches are set up perfectly, only to realize that your magazines fall on the ground when you try to climb over a wall. This might not be as important if your mission requirements almost never require you to climb over walls, but in the more likely case that climbing and negotiating obstacles is an operational reality for you, it is important to ensure your kit is configured for climbing. The same goes for crawling, moving through dense brush, mud, water etc. Fatigue is another important consideration. If moving long distances, at altitude or in extreme weather, a heavy and cumbersome kit might not be practical. Therefore, it is critical to test your kit setup in the most realistic conditions possible. We will offer suggestions for how to do this in a later article in this series.

Simple Assault Kit Layout (Example Only) - Equipment from 5.11 Tactical and Blackhawk

Simple Assault Kit Layout (Example Only) - Equipment from 5.11 Tactical and Blackhawk

The kit layout in the picture is just an example and not intended to precisely depict a single recommended layout. However, this setup offers some examples of general kit layout concepts. The products used to make the kit (most from 5.11 Tactical and Blackhawk) are inexpensive and widely available. While you can spend a lot on gear, we would like to show that you can build a very effective kit on a tight budget.

Less is More

While it can be tempting to decorate your plate carrier with all sorts of fancy pouches and accessories, this is rarely a wise choice for real combat operations. As a rule of thumb, if you don’t really need it and never actually use it, take it off. The vest in the picture is relatively slick with only pouches for 5 rifle magazines, 2 pistol magazines, a radio, 4 flashbangs, a medical pouch and a dump/utility pouch. You may need additional pouches for special equipment like lights, batons, knives or utility tools etc. but some of this equipment can go on the belt or in other places too. The bottom line is to keep your gear as minimalist as possible in terms of weight and bulk to maximize maneuverability.

Keep the Firing Shoulder Clear

While it might seem an obvious mistake, it is not uncommon to see people place pouches on their firing shoulder. Practice shooting with both your primary and secondary weapons and transitioning between the two, ensuring that none of your gear interferes with accurate shooting and smooth weapon manipulation.

Make Use of Pull-Tabs and Grips

Much of the equipment in this example comes with pull-tabs to make accessing gear easier. This is important because your small motor coordination can drop in a high-stress situation. It might be easy to use your fingers to find, grip and manipulate a small zipper, button or clasp when you are unstressed in normal conditions. However, if you are in a high-stress situation, at night and in poor weather, you might not be able to find and manipulate small components on your gear. This is why it can be useful to fasten tabs, loops and grips on your pouches. Practice grabbing and pulling these under a variety of conditions and under stress.

Emphasize Equipment Retention

It is often a good idea to be extra careful when it comes to retention of your weapons, ammunition and equipment, as long as it doesn’t make it overly difficult to access what you need. An example of this is ensuring there are extra cover flaps, retention bands or tiedowns on important pieces of equipment. While open-top magazine pouches can make it easier for you to quickly access your magazines, make sure to test these pouches rigorously to sure that magazines won’t pop out when you are upside-down, or subjected to very intense motion or shock. If you are hit by a shockwave from an explosion you don’t want all of your magazines to fly out. Adding some additional retention/safety measures to your pouches can help with this. 

Consider the Effects of Field Conditions

Depending on where you operate, you may be subjected to a variety of harsh conditions and environments. Take this into consideration when setting up your gear. For example, while Velcro is convenient and easy to manipulate, it becomes less effective when caked with mud and dirt. If you expect that you might become submerged in water, you will need to make sure than any non-waterproof equipment is protected accordingly. If you are conducting air operations or have to move through dense brush or briars, you may need to pay particular attention to loose straps that could become snagged. Essentially, try to think of the worst-case scenario and think about how your kit will perform in those conditions. If possible, conduct field tests to verify your assumptions.

Aim for Comfort

While comfort might not seem to be a priority, discomfort only adds to your stress in combat. You should seek every advantage you can to make your life easier, simpler and more comfortable. The equipment in the example is well-padded, smooth and ventilated. If you have equipment that wears on you, rubs on you in uncomfortable ways or grows uncomfortable when you sweat, you can make modifications to your equipment by adding padding, cutting away excess materials, removing buckles and adding vents or breathable materials. 

Coming in the Following Articles

This article only covers some of the very most basic and universal concepts in kit setup. In the next article we will discuss placement of the various pouches and equipment such as magazines, flashbangs, radio and medical pouch. There are pros and cons for each configuration possibility and the ideal configuration will depend on your mission requirements and personal preferences. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts and ideas by either posting on our social media sites, or sending an email to

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