Can Instructors Use ST Presentations for Their Own Classes? Yes!

Can Instructors Use ST Presentations for Their Own Classes? Yes!

We have recently received some requests from instructors, asking for permission to use our presentations and learning materials in their own tactical schools and courses. The good news for those instructors and all the other tactical instructors out there is that you DO NOT need permission to use any of our materials in your own training. Just like a high school teacher does not need to get permission from the textbook publisher to use a textbook in his/her class, any tactical instructor or school can use any of our materials, as long as they don’t steal them or break any copyright laws. If you are interested in using our materials for your course or school below are a few suggestions and ideas that might help.

You Only Need One Copy

If funding is limited, you only need one copy of one of our courses to use it effectively in your school. While buying multiple copies (one for each student) offers more options and a better learning experience, you can get by with just one. The most basic way to use the presentations is in the classroom setting, much like any other PowerPoint presentation, except instead of opening the file from a thumbdrive, just log on to your account, open up the course, click the “maximize” button at the bottom of the screen and click through the slides. You can either let the built-in audio narration play or you can turn off the sound and just use the slides, allowing you to deliver your own presentation in your own words. The short video below shows how the courses work. The video was made on our old software but the new software works in the same way.

The “Fully Loaded” Option

If you want to get the most out of the online training capability and take advantage of all the bells and whistles in the Tactics Society software, the best option is to buy an individual course “seat” for each of your students. You don’t need to do this manually. If you send us a list of your students we can create custom accounts for each of them and we can also offer discounts and/or bonus features for large groups. We will also create you a special instructor account that will allow you to assign work to your students, answer their questions and monitor their progress. We can also create a custom landing-page (with your own custom branding and logo) and online discussion group that is only accessible to your students or people you invite. There is no additional cost for any of this and the only cost is the price of the course seats.

Letting each individual student have his/her own course seat allows you as the instructor to use the digital learning materials as “pre-learning” activities prior to your course or homework activities during the course. All activities should work on all mobile devices and tablets. With your instructor account you can see which students are actually doing the work and what scores they get on quizzes and tests etc. The online course also gives you something for your students to take away from your course for sustainment and retention of knowledge. It also allows you to keep in digital contact with all of your former students to answer their questions and promote new courses and training opportunities.

These are just a few ways that tactical instructors can use our online training materials and once again, as long as you buy the course, you can use it any way you want and do not need to ask our permission for anything as long as you respect our copyrights and branding. We always enjoy working with motivated instructors and tactical schools so do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of service and best of luck in your training efforts.

We hope you found the short article useful and once again we welcome your reactions, comments or suggestions on our Facebook page where we frequently hold constructive discussions on tactics with people from various tactical backgrounds and experience levels. Also, click below if you would like to check out our growing selection of online courses.

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